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Learn how to transform employee experience through training

Written by Route 101 | Nov 15, 2023 10:15:02 AM

The importance of workplace training has never been greater in boosting employee happiness and retention, especially as many industries currently face talent shortages.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the benefits of training, explore the advantages of online and digital learning formats and touch on the merits of engaging third-party training providers.

Training and employee engagement

Thomas International reports that providing employees with learning opportunities can boost workplace engagement by over 80%. Moreover, they propose that a more engaged workforce is nearly 90% more effective and can contribute to the growth and achievement of company goals and objectives. This includes:

Employee retention: According to Thomas, 94% of employees would stay longer at a company if it invested in their career development.

Employee empowerment: Training opportunities contribute to employees' growth, fostering development within their current roles and enabling them to shape the future of their organisations.

Boosting performance: By expanding their knowledge, employees feel more confident to excel in their jobs and look for new ways to enhance efficiency. The Mentor Group also suggests that organisations that invest in employee training see an impressive 20% increase in revenue.

In-person or digital training?

Now that we’ve covered the importance of training, you might be considering the choice between live or digital courses.

The CIPD highlights that digital training has demonstrated its capacity to provide employees with increased flexibility in terms of when and how they learn with the start of the global pandemic. It has also effectively addressed the demand for more bite-sized courses and development programmes.

But what about in-person learning? After all, it’s hard to beat the feel of physical interactions.

FDM Group indicate that live training sessions facilitate better exchanges between trainers with faster response times. A trainer can also interpret trainee’s body language to identify challenges in understanding the course material, enabling them to adjust it and, ultimately, deliver more personalised content.

Choosing between these two learning modes can be difficult, but listening to your employee feedback can help determine the best training approach for your organisation.

Engaging third-party training providers

Based on the findings by Lorman Education Services, 76% of employees believe that a company is more appealing if it offers additional training services. However, due to limited resources, not every organisation is best placed to conduct in-house training.

Enter third-party training providers: experts in their field, offering training uniquely tailored to organisational goals.

As highlighted earlier, individuals prefer to learn in different ways, and external practitioners can accommodate both in-person and online training formats whilst introducing skills that may not yet be available in-house.

With 77% of employees eager to learn new skills (Training Industry), providing various opportunities through third parties empowers staff to easily fit learning into their schedules, making upskilling more accessible and convenient.

How can Route 101 help with your training needs?

Route 101 provides specialised training for customer support teams, managers, and administrators to optimise Zendesk's capabilities. Our courses cover a wide range of topics, from fundamentals to advanced features, and can be delivered online or in person by our expert implantation consultants.

Want to learn more? Visit our website or contact our team today.